Freitag, 29. Januar 2010

To avoid further stress

Well, I 've recently read this article about how to avoid stress and one of the points was:
6. Write down your feelings and thoughts.

Here it comes.

Nach unzähligen, endlosscheinenden Monaten des Wartens endlich ein Lichtblick am Ende des Exam-Tunnels; die ersten Ergebnisse sind da und ich muss sagen, das nicht harte Arbeiten hat sich ausgezahlt. ha.
Nur As!
Yes mum, please be proud of me.
Aber jetzt heißt es wirklich lernen für CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) which is going to take place at the beginning of March. And that means a lot more work than FCE. And cost a LOT more than FCE (they are literally stealing the money out of our not filled au pair pockets - bastards!)
After some lazy months without doing any sport in particular (except of taking the dog for walks - but that doesn't count as a real sport)  I proudly present: My membership for the leisure centre which is already being used on a very regular basis (swimming sessions in the morning). I had almost forgotten how good it feels to boost the pulse.

The question about the future still remains.I might build it with Lego bricks.

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